Thursday, March 31, 2011

Hello, My name is Ruth: Part II

Ok here goes day number two. It seams as if every time I try and make time for my bible study something hinders my ability to do so. I have had a bit of a rough day with the boys. Both have really wanted one on one mommy time. So as it currently stands I am exhausted and feeling a little guilty about giving God my fumes. I suppose He takes us in all states, even an exhausted one,right? And forgive me if me thoughts are in coherent and disorganized because of said exhaustion.

As I am going through this part of the study I really like the permission she gave us in the intro, to not be limited by these pages. I like that because when I went to read 2 Corinthians 6:14 I kept reading to verse 18. And I just really loved the way it read in the Message.
It just got me thinking about how hard my own marriage would be if Jason and I were not in agreement about who God is. I mean as if marriages do not have enough difficulties like who does dishes and laundry and cleans the bathroom. Does anyone really want the constant battle that would be two people not agreeing on who God is and that we as people created in God's image are meant to serve our God? I could not imagine a truly functional marriage that did not have God as center. I know not everyone has that relationship and I also know even if the marriage does "work" to be at it's purposed best both parties must love God and if one or the other does not; well that is heart breaking. I suppose I am on a bit of a bunny trail as my mother likes to call it so I will try to stick to the study.
Ok I have completed the work book pages and all I have to say is WOW. God can use anything to try and grab our attention and bring us back to him, including food. Who would have thought something so small as a rumor God had over turned the famine and that there was now food in Bethlehem could be used for God's glory and the leading of a lost child back home? I am so amazed with the little nudges God gives me that let me know " Hey my love, it is time to come home." Sometimes I wont even realized I have stumbled into a foreign land, and then off in the distance I will hear a rumor of something good God is doing and all of the sudden I miss the closeness I once felt with Him. These day's it is often the innocence and complete dependency of my two little boys that brings me to my knees and has me wanting desperately to be back in the presence of my God when I stray because I am now responsible not just for me but for Randy and Robert! Being a mother is so humbling and it makes me want to be in Bethlehem with God's blessings. Psalm 16:8 " Day and night I'll stick with God; I've got a good thing going and I'm not letting go!" That verse depicts very much how I feel. I am nothing without my Savior and I do not want to let go of a good thing.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Hello, My name is Ruth: Part I

I started my Tuesday morning bible study today. We are supposed to have day's 1-5 completed before we start on Tuesday April 2nd. I now have day 1 finished. It's hard to focus while you have to read and deal with a crying baby and have to try feeding a hungry toddler intermittently between scripture verses. But despite the challenges I think I am really going to like this study. The intro was about strengthening your core. Personally, I know I could benefit a lot from some spiritual core strength. I am hoping that this study in Ruth will help give me just that.
Ruth's family packed up and moved out of Bethlehem-Judah (which was part of ancient Israel) because of a famine and they relocated to Moab. Unfortunately Israelites were forbid from becoming part of the Moabites because they were enemies of Israel constantly trying to curse God's chosen people. Ruth's family chose to move to Moab despite God's warning. And the question that was poised for us from this passage was , " What will you choose?". Will you choose to stay in the land God gave to you despite your desperate state, or will you venture into an area God roped off, just to try and make your life easier? No one wants to suffer, I certainly do not and I most definitely do not want my family to suffer. So where is the line? When are you running away from hardship and forgetting that God is faithful to do what He has promised and when are you following God to make things better? I know I want to do what is right by God and by my family, it is a constant prayer and effort to keep God center and from their we hope He leads all decisions. I never want to be running away from difficulty, I want to have God lead me trough it ( Galations 6:9)

Monday, March 21, 2011

Read It: This is where I am starting

Acts 17:24-28

What a humbling verse. God made me, so why do I so often try and make him? He doesn't fit me, I grow to fit in Him. He is my creator, redeemer, and friend. He made this earth for me because He loves me and I need to love Him more and stop boxing Him in as if He is not God. I would love to live and move in Him all the time instead of following my own carved out painful paths! It's so awesome to know if I seek, I will find because that is God's promise to me. He will always be right next to me, I just have to reach out and grab His hand and walk with Him.
The other part I like about this verse is that it talks about how God is the creator of everything and that He doesn't need me to exist. He want's me to follow him because He loves me, but He doesn't need me. It really puts in perspective who is in charge, since I love to fancy my self as someone who does a pretty good job of running the show. I too often forget that this life is not about me and what I am doing for God but what He is doing for me!