Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Hello, My name is Ruth: Part I

I started my Tuesday morning bible study today. We are supposed to have day's 1-5 completed before we start on Tuesday April 2nd. I now have day 1 finished. It's hard to focus while you have to read and deal with a crying baby and have to try feeding a hungry toddler intermittently between scripture verses. But despite the challenges I think I am really going to like this study. The intro was about strengthening your core. Personally, I know I could benefit a lot from some spiritual core strength. I am hoping that this study in Ruth will help give me just that.
Ruth's family packed up and moved out of Bethlehem-Judah (which was part of ancient Israel) because of a famine and they relocated to Moab. Unfortunately Israelites were forbid from becoming part of the Moabites because they were enemies of Israel constantly trying to curse God's chosen people. Ruth's family chose to move to Moab despite God's warning. And the question that was poised for us from this passage was , " What will you choose?". Will you choose to stay in the land God gave to you despite your desperate state, or will you venture into an area God roped off, just to try and make your life easier? No one wants to suffer, I certainly do not and I most definitely do not want my family to suffer. So where is the line? When are you running away from hardship and forgetting that God is faithful to do what He has promised and when are you following God to make things better? I know I want to do what is right by God and by my family, it is a constant prayer and effort to keep God center and from their we hope He leads all decisions. I never want to be running away from difficulty, I want to have God lead me trough it ( Galations 6:9)


  1. I always try to do my bible study on the floor while Carter is playing but it never seems to work well. :) He always wants to help me! While I get a little annoyed, I remind myself that he is watching me read the bible and wants to be apart which is good since he parrots everything I do!

    I've been bloggin' about Ruth on the Joy blog. Love for your to comment about what you are thinking. :) I might even link this to that blog if you don't mind.

  2. WOW what a sweet sound to my ears,my daughter a woman of God looking to find what it is that her Father is speaking!Song of Songs7:10 I am my beloved and His desire is for me.
    Oh Living Flame of Love...How gently and how lovingly Thou wakest in my bosom, where alone thou secretly dwellest;and in thy sweet breathing full of grace and glory how tenderly thou fillest me with Thy love.-These words where penned by St.John of the Cross From the book 'LIVING FLAME OF LOVE"

  3. Great post. I have finished Day 1 as well and better get caught up with the rest of the days soon!

  4. Thanks everyone. My thoughts on day two will be coming this evening. I like that other women are interested in what God is saying to all of us. It reminds me to keep pushing forward even when I feel like I just don't have "time" to invest in my spiritual growth. I have to do it because I am also affecting my precious little boys spiritual growth in the future!
