Monday, March 21, 2011

Read It: This is where I am starting

Acts 17:24-28

What a humbling verse. God made me, so why do I so often try and make him? He doesn't fit me, I grow to fit in Him. He is my creator, redeemer, and friend. He made this earth for me because He loves me and I need to love Him more and stop boxing Him in as if He is not God. I would love to live and move in Him all the time instead of following my own carved out painful paths! It's so awesome to know if I seek, I will find because that is God's promise to me. He will always be right next to me, I just have to reach out and grab His hand and walk with Him.
The other part I like about this verse is that it talks about how God is the creator of everything and that He doesn't need me to exist. He want's me to follow him because He loves me, but He doesn't need me. It really puts in perspective who is in charge, since I love to fancy my self as someone who does a pretty good job of running the show. I too often forget that this life is not about me and what I am doing for God but what He is doing for me!

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